Admission Policy / Procedure

Before a child may be enrolled at Central Early Learning Center, all required forms must be complete and submitted to the office. This includes:

  • Registration Form
  • Current Immunization Record (Original form with an authorized signature and expiration date)
  • Copy of Birth Certificate & Social Security Card
  • Signed Fee and Payment Policy
  • Tuition Express Authorization
  • Non-Discrimination & Discipline Policy
  • Application of Topical Products form
  • Free and Reduced Price Meal Application
  • Registration fee
  • Activity fee (if applicable)
  • Copy of parents’/guardians’ drivers license
  • First week’s tuition

*All forms will be maintained in a family file in the office.

Enrollment Process

To be considered for a position at Central Early Learning Center, the completed enrollment packet, $175.00 registration fee, and first week’s tuition must be received. Enrollment is considered on a first-come, first-served, basis.

Waiting List

Children are entered onto the waiting list for the first available space in the order in which contact information is received. We will list families on our waiting list no earlier than 6 months before desired date of enrollment.

When a space becomes available, the child chosen for enrollment is determined by reviewing the waiting list and issuing priority according to eligibility. The waiting list will be searched beginning at the top for the first age-appropriate child and the date of desired enrollment.

We encourage all families on the waiting list to provide updates on current contact information and child’s official date of birth, if necessary.

Determination of Available Space

Openings within the center normally occur as a result of a currently enrolled family providing written notice of a child’s last day of attendance or children promoting to other classrooms within the center. Most openings typically occur at the end of May and the middle of August, but occasionally openings occur other times during the year.

Notification of Available Space

When a position becomes available we will contact the family by phone to offer the space. The family will be given 48 hours to accept or decline the space.

If the space is accepted, the family must complete and return the enrollment packet, $175.00 registration fee, and the first week’s tuition, no later than 3 days past acceptance.

If the enrollment packet, registration fee and the first week’s tuition is not received within 3 days the space will be offered to the next family on the list.

Tuition & Fees

Annual Registration Fee: $175.00 per year

Full Time Rates

Infant: $205.00 per week

Toddlers: $190.00 per week

Twos: $185.00 per week

Three Year and Four Year Classes: $175.00 per week

Summer Camp (K-5 – 5th Grade): $170.00 per week

Multi-Child Discounts (for full time childcare only)

2 Children: 10% Discount off second child

3 Children: 15% Discount off third child

4 Children: 20% Discount off Fourth child

Curriculum Fees

Preschool: $75.00 annually

Pre-K4: $110.00 annually

Part Time Rates

Before/After School (K5 – 5th grades): $ 75.00 per week*

* Additional $19 per day for holiday care when the student attends

Other Notes

Holidays: Regular weekly tuition is due whether your child attends or not during holidays

Child Care assistance is accepted

Weekly tuition payments are received by Tuition Express. This auto-debit system is drafted weekly from any checking account, debit card, or credit card.